
Brian Fristensky frist at cc.umanitoba.ca
Sat Mar 6 20:55:50 EST 1999

Danielle et jean Thierry-Mieg wrote:
> acedb release 4_7g is now available on the ftp sites
>  ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/repository/acedb
>  ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/acedb
>  ftp.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr/pub/unix/acedb
> Code 4_7 is fully compatible with databases created by earlier acedb.4*
> executable. But the code has many enhancements in particular:

I just tried installing 4.7g and got the following:

**** Program xace,  compiled on: Feb 20 1999 13:09:57 ****
**** Using  ACEDB Version 4_7g,  compiled on: Feb 20 1999 13:01:04 ****

Code by: Jean Thierry-Mieg (CNRS, France) mieg at crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
         Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd at sanger.ac.uk
         Simon Kelley (Sanger Centre, UK) srk at sanger.ac.uk

..... opening messages deleted......

You may redistribute this program and database subject to the
conditions in the accompanying copyright file.  Anyone interested in
maintaining an up-to-date version should contact one of the authors
at the above email addresses.

ld.so.1: /home/psgendb/acedb/bin/xace: fatal: relocation error: symbol
not found: XtAppAddSignal: referenced in /home/psgendb/acedb/bin/xace

I am using our own database that works perfectly with 4.5.
I am running xace in a Sun Ultrasparc 1 under SunOS 5.5.1,
on the CDE desktop.

Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Brian Fristensky                |  What a vast abyss
Department of Plant Science     |  can separate falutist from cadenza
University of Manitoba          |  huffing maker from the vial made,
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2  CANADA    |  the lover and the kiss.
frist at cc.umanitoba.ca           |  
Office phone:   204-474-6085    |    Phyllis Janowitz (1996)  
FAX:            204-261-5732    |    His Apologia Pro Ratiocination
http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~frist/  THE LAUREL REVIEW 30(1) 

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