Bioinformaticist/Programmer position available

helen.ougham at bbsrc.ac.uk helen.ougham at bbsrc.ac.uk
Thu Mar 18 13:20:27 EST 1999


A post is available in the Cell Biology Department at the Institute of
Grassland & Environmental Research, Aberystwyth, UK. The post is one of six
within the BBSRC-funded UK Crop Plant Bioinformatics Network (UK CropNet –
http://synteny.nott.ac.uk/) and focuses on the genome data of the forage
grasses. The successful applicant will be given the opportunity to design and
implement software using novel computer techniques and languages.
Communication with other bioinformatics groups in the UK and worldwide is
also a priority of the project. The post involves development within two

The development and curation of a forage grass genome database (FOGGdb), which
uses the ACEDB (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Acedb/Acedocs/) database
management software.

The creation of new software tools and algorithms for the acquisition,
analysis and presentation of genome and related data.

Much of the new software will be written for the World Wide Web in Java. The
successful applicant will have the opportunity to work under his/her own
initiative and should be strongly motivated.

Qualifications: Applicants should have a first degree in computer science or
in biology. A postgraduate qualification, particularly in some form of
bioinformatics, would be helpful. Experience of computer programming is
essential. Ability in one or more of Java, C++, C and CORBA programming would
be an advantage, as would familiarity with UNIX, Windows NT, WWW and object-
oriented databases.

The appointment will be for an initial period of three years. The Institute of
Grassland & Environmental Research is an Equal Opportunities Employer and
operates a non-contributory superannuation scheme.

How to apply: Application forms may be requested by email
(auriel.evans at bbsrc.ac.uk). Alternatively forms may be obtained by writing to
Mrs Auriel Evans, Personnel, IGER, Plas Gogerddan, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
SY23 3EB, Wales, UK. Closing date: 29 March 1999.

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