On 27 Sep 2000, Richard Durbin wrote:
> Given we do this, Keith will have to replace x by n (e.g. with a perl
> script) before parsing into acedb. I think that is reasonable.
That's what we've already done, though we are also trying to contact the
people who gave us the sequences to confirm that by 'X' they really mean
'N' (they also had N's in their sequences though, so it's not very clear
why they used 'X').
I guess it would be useful for any curators who are not so familiar with
IUPAC codes for acedb to maybe suggest replacing X's with N's (where the
only improper code is 'X')...or just return a list of acceptable IUPAC
~ Keith Bradnam - Developer, Arabidopsis Genome Resource (AGR)
~ Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre - http://nasc.nott.ac.uk/
~ University Park, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
~ Tel: (0115) 951 3091