
Keith Bradnam keith at thale.life.nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Jan 5 07:41:49 EST 2001

On 4 Jan 2001 syurman at my-deja.com wrote:

> We're geographers in private practice, and have been using ACEDB quite
> happily for a couple of years.  For some reason we started a new project
> in a relational database instead.  Why?  I don't have an excuse really.
> Must have taken leave of my senses.  After a particularly nasty bout
> with the stuff my partner sent me this, and I couldn't resist passing it
> on.

Could I enquire as to what problems you had using a relational database?
Our group heavily uses acedb at the moment but we are looking into the
*possibilities* of whether our data could also be stored in a relational

Were there any *general* problems with relational databases that you were
having where acedb proved superior?



~  Keith Bradnam - UK CropNet (http://ukcrop.net) webmaster and
~  Arabidopsis Genome Resource  (http://ukcrop.net/agr) developer.
~  Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre, University Park,
~  University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK.  Tel: (0115) 951 3091 

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