AcePerl question

F. Coulier coulier at marseille.inserm.fr
Wed Jan 10 05:45:58 EST 2001

I don't know if my (old) problem is related. Maybe.

Briefly, I have installed acedb on a PC (Linux Mandrake 7.1). Acedb
works fine, but not the web interface, I get a "Couldn't open database."
error message.
Your post gave me the idea to try to find out where that message come
from: if I look into the cgi-bin/ace/simple script (the one I (try to)
launch from the web page):
# fetch database handle
$DB = OpenDatabase() || AceError("Couldn't open database.");

However, I am still not able to solve my problem from there. 

Can anyone help me on this?


François Coulier,        mél: coulier at marseille.inserm.fr
INSERM Unité 119, 27 bd Leï Roure, 13009 Marseille, France 
Tel: 33 (0) 4 91 26 04 26 (temporaire) Fax: 33 (0) 4 91 26 03 64
Site ouaibe: http://olan.marseille.inserm.fr/

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