Adding a class count facility to AceBrowser

Keith Bradnam keith at thale.life.nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Jan 17 04:32:34 EST 2001


Those of you who like the ability of WebAce to show you how many objects
are in each class and bemoan the fact that AceBrowser doesn't do this, can
now breathe a sigh of relief.

I've made a quick hack to remedy the situation. E.g. see


Anyone wanting details, just ask.

Now to try to make it list subclasses next to parent classes!


~  Keith Bradnam - UK CropNet (http://ukcrop.net) webmaster and
~  Arabidopsis Genome Resource  (http://ukcrop.net/agr) developer.
~  Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre, University Park,
~  University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK.  Tel: (0115) 951 3091 

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