I'm trying to get the parse_file method of aceperl to work but I am doing
something wrong. This is probably a very simple question for someone who
knows aceperl.
here's my test script:
use warnings;
use Ace;
my @files = @ARGV;
foreach my $file (@files) {
print "reading file $file\n";
my $db = Ace->connect(-path =>'/shared1/traskdata/janet/OLFace',
my $check = $db -> fetch (Sequence=> 'AC000096');
print "check " . $check->asString;
my @objects = $db->parse_file('dummy.ace');
my $noobjs = @objects;
print "$noobjs read into database\n";
print "objects " . $objects[0]->asString . "\n";
here's the dummy.ace file:
Clone : dummyclone
Sequence dummyseq
Remark "this item not a real database object"
and here's the output:
reading file dummy.ace
check AC000096 Visible Clone CT7-98D3
1 read into database
objects dummyclone;
and a clone called dummyclone; appears in my database but without any tags.
Questions: where did the semi-colon in the object name come from, and why
does my object have no tags? (the input file gets read fine if I use xace to
read it in)
thanks for any help
Dr. Janet Young
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Avenue N. tel: (206) 667 1471
C3-168 fax: (206) 667 6524
P.O. Box 19024 email: jayoung at fhcrc.org
Seattle, WA 98109-1024, USA.