xinetd and acedb

F. Coulier coulier at marseille.inserm.fr
Wed Jul 11 07:52:17 EST 2001

It's me again (and my xinetd problem).

I've upgraded to xinetd 2.3.0, and edited xinetd.conf following Ed's

service acedb
        flags       = REUSE
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = yes
        user        = acedb
        server      = /usr/local/bin/saceserver
        server_args = /database/acedb 200:200:0

However, I still have trouble launching saceserver through xinetd:
FATAL ERROR -  (fc on grun.marseille.inserm.fr) reported by program
saceclient (ACEDB 4_9a), in file acesocketlib.c, at line 284: connect
error system error 111 - Connection refused   
(while I can manually launch saceserver, and then saceclient)

Any idea?



François Coulier,        mél: coulier at marseille.inserm.fr
INSERM Unité 119, 27 bd Leï Roure, 13009 Marseille, France 
Tel: 33 (0) 4 91 75 84 23 Fax: 33 (0) 4 91 26 03 64
Site ouaibe: http://u119.marseille.inserm.fr/

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