Acedb for MacOSX

Tim Cutts timc at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Tue Nov 27 09:26:42 EST 2001

In article <20011126183925.298dcb97.srk at sanger.ac.uk>,
 <srk at sanger.ac.uk> wrote:
> Since Fink packages are really Debian packages, and I know those, the above
> should go fairly smoothly.

Simon, if you've got stuff in place to build Debian packages, would it
be possible to have a package of acedb in Debian itself?  It would be
very useful for a lot of people I'm sure, especially since Debian
generally seems to be the distribution which already has the most
bioinformatics software packaged for it...

Is anyone reading this already a member of the Debian project?  I used
to be, but my account on master.debian.org has long since expired...


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