Locus_genomic_seq and Locus_other_seq

Ed Griffiths edgrif at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Nov 28 05:14:05 EST 2001


> In 'old' scripts I used the Locus tag to get information about the locus
> corresponding to a gene. This tag appeared to be broken in recent releases
> of Acedb. When I looked at the class map I saw two new (?) tags:
> Locus_genomic_seq and Locus_other_seq. Can anybody tell me what the
> difference is between those 2 or show me where to find this information.
> I tried eg F08B6.4a and F08B6.4b and I only get something with
> Locus_other_seq for the b splice variant.

Please can you give more details showing exactly how things are broken, e.g.
give an example query and some more information about what models.wrm you are
using. If you need to send lots of stuff then email me direct.

cheers Ed

| Ed Griffiths, Acedb development, Informatics Group,                    |
|        Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,  |
|               Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK                          |
|                                                                        |
| email: edgrif at sanger.ac.uk  Tel: +44-1223-494780  Fax: +44-1223-494919 |

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