xinetd and acedb

Ed Griffiths edgrif at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Sep 5 03:54:19 EST 2001

Ed Griffiths wrote:

Damn, I see I have not been clear enough in the below posting....

I meant to say that I don't advise people to use the _acedb_ server with xinetd
at the moment. Redhat linux seems to run lots of the standard services (telnet,
ftp etc.) without problems under xinetd.

I will as a matter of priority get the latest xinetd installed here and test it
out with the acedb server and let you all know what I find.

cheers Ed

> All,
> ****************************************************************************
>              WARNING about "xinetd" on Redhat
> ****************************************************************************
> For those of you who use Linux, Redhat and probably other Linux distributors
> have started to send out versions of Linux which are configured to use "xinetd"
> instead of inetd. xinetd is supposed to be a more sophisticated replacement for
> inetd.
> I have continued to monitor the mailing list for xinetd and bug reports are
> still flowing in. I would not recommend people to use xinetd on Redhat at the
> moment. I will post here when it seems to have reached a more stable state and I
> have had a chance to test it.
> In the meantime see below for the part of an earlier posting from Kemin Zhou
> which shows a minimalist way to get inetd running on Redhat.
> cheers Ed
> > Kemin Zhou <kzhou at molsci.org> kindly provided this little recipe:
> >
> > ========================================================================
> > Hi Ed,
> > A simple solution to xinetd is to reinstall inetd under the newer linux
> > operating system.  Everything is working fine.
> >
> > Here is the detail:
> > get inetd.rpm
> > type rpm -i inetd.rpm
> > comment out all services
> > add the saceserver to /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf
> > restart inetd by goint to rc.d/init.d/ type inet start
> >
> > Kemin
> > ========================================================================
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Ed Griffiths, Acedb development, Informatics Group,                    |
> |               The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,         |
> |               Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK                          |
> |                                                                        |
> | email: edgrif at sanger.ac.uk  Tel: +44-1223-494780  Fax: +44-1223-494919 |
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

| Ed Griffiths, Acedb development, Informatics Group,                    |
|               The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,         |
|               Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK                          |
|                                                                        |
| email: edgrif at sanger.ac.uk  Tel: +44-1223-494780  Fax: +44-1223-494919 |

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