multimap in 4.9c?

Magalie Leveugle leveugle at marseille.inserm.fr
Wed Sep 5 08:17:40 EST 2001


My problem is about creating multimap using .ace files (and not the
table maker) in the 4.9c version of Acedb.
We recently change ACeDB 4.7l to ACeDB 4.9c,  in 4.7, all multimaps
worked fine using the following  models and objects (see below).
But with 4.9c (and previously  4.9a), I systematicaly get this error
message :
"No visible numerical column in this spread sheet", and the table maker
result is different than in 4.7l.
I didn't change my models and .ace files when we switched the software.

Does anybody have the same problem? and, more importantly, a solution to
this problem ....


--- My models ( ?Multimap is the same as in ACeDB )

?MultiMap  Map ?Map
                       Anchor UNIQUE Text UNIQUE Text UNIQUE Text

?Gene_name  Other_name Text
                            Paralogy_group  ?group XREF Paralog
                            Map ?Map XREF genes #Map_position

?group   Paralog  ?Gene_name XREF Paralogy_group

--- Sample of my objects :
Multimap MAP1
Map Hsa1
Map Hsa2
Anchor Gene_name Paralogy_group Paralog

group EGR
Paralog  EGR1
Paralog  EGR2

Magalie Leveugle
Laboratoire d'Oncologie Moléculaire
Inserm Unité 119, 27 Bd Leï Roure 13009 Marseille
tel: 04 91 75 84 03 - email: leveugle at marseille.inserm.fr

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