multimap in 4.9c?

Magalie Leveugle leveugle at marseille.inserm.fr
Wed Sep 12 04:05:15 EST 2001

Hi Dave,

My project needs MultiMap with Anchor tag, but 4_7l does not have all the
others features that I need.
Do you still have the 4_8c binaries ? I couldn't find them on the Acedb
site... And I don't know if I should better
wait for next Acedb release (and working MultiMaps). So could you send me
these binaries, or tell me where I could find them?


Dave Matthews a écrit :

> Hi Magalie,
> I have the same problem, with all my MultiMaps that use the Anchor tag.
> They work in ace4_8c but not in 4_9a.  MultiMaps that don't have
> Anchor data still work fine.
> - Dave

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