ace_4.9c saceserver on solaris?

Jing Yu jingyu at dnalandmarks.ca
Tue Sep 25 03:43:54 EST 2001


I'm trying to get ace_4.9c socket_aceserver/client onto our Solaris 6 and
Solaris 8.  As following the instructions given on
wdoc/SOCKET_aceserver.html, I got the socket server and client run fine on
foreground (on both solaris 6 and 8), but not successful when using inetd
(same error info from both systems).

- In my /etc/services, I have line:
     cabbagepatch    20001/tcp

- In my /etc/inetd.conf, I have line
     20001/1 stream tcp wait nobody /usr/local/bin/sgifaceserver
sgifaceserver /data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP    1200:1200:10

- regarding to the line in etc/inetd.conf:

  If I use db_nick_name at the beginning of the line,
  e.g.: cabbagepatch stream tcp wait ...,
  there is no any error msg but the client is just hanging there.

  If I use port_number/1 at the beginning of the line, which is like a
correct way for solaris tcp/rcp,
  e.g.: 20001/1 stream tcp wait ...,
  I got error msg (see below).

For the convenience for me to get help on this problem, I'm pasting what I
tried and what I got as the below:

  => to start server by inetd (failed):
   29 WATSON > saceclient localhost -port 20001
   Please enter userid:  jing
   Please enter passwd:
   FATAL ERROR -  (jingyu on WATSON) reported by program saceclient (ACEDB
   4_9c), in file acesocketlib.c, at line 284: connect error system error
   146 - Connection refused

  => if check sgifaceserver now, you will find that server is not started.
    30 WATSON > ps -ef |grep sgif
    jingyu  8742  7305  0 14:56:36 pts/31   0:00 grep sgif

  => to start sgifaceserver on foreground (works fine):
   31 WATSON > sgifaceserver ~/local_cabbage/Local-CP/ 20001
   // Database directory: /data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP/
   // Session 80 is readlocked by jingyu since 2001-09-21_14:35:48 using
   sgifaceserver (process 7286 on machine WATSON)
   // #### Server started at 2001-09-21_14:49:21
   // #### host=(unknown)  listening port=20001
   // #### Database dir=/data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP/
   // ####  Working dir=/data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP/
   // #### clientTimeout=600 serverTimeout=600 maxKbytes=0

   // Server listening socket 9 created
   Stopped (user)
   32 WATSON > bg
   [1]  + sgifaceserver ~/local_cabbage/Local-CP/ 20001 &
   33 WATSON > jobs
   [1]  + Running              sgifaceserver ~/local_cabbage/Local-CP/

  => now to start saceclient on foreground (works fine):
   34 WATSON >  saceclient localhost -port 20001
   Please enter userid: jing
   Please enter passwd:
   // ProcessQueries: bonjour
   // New Client 1, 1 active clients
   // Nonce passed: 62c2b5f6716550721f804d00a9444a78
   // ProcessQueries: jing d9ce19444718e0a9125f71b320120760
   acedb at localhost> quit
   // Closing connection to server.
   // ProcessQueries: quit
   // ProcessQueries passed auth: quit
   // Client      1 (1 active). Query: quit
   // Closing Client 1, now 0 active clients
   // Client sent termination signal by server.
   // Response: 13 bytes.
   // A bientot
   // Please report problems to acedb at sanger.ac.uk
   // Bye

  => if check sgifaceserver now, you will find it is running
   35 WATSON > ps -ef|grep sgi
     jingyu  7634  7305  0 14:49:20 pts/31   0:01 sgifaceserver
   /data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP/ 20001
     jingyu  8826  7305  0 14:55:29 pts/31   0:00 grep sgi

Jing Yu
>From DNA Landmarks Inc.


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