Ed Griffiths,
> It is generally _very_ important that you test the server in the
foreground with
the _same_ userid that you want to use in the inetd.conf file.
> permission to read/write to the database ...
Based on your suggestion, I've midified related part and tried again:
** in my /etc/services, I have line:
cabbagepatch 20001/tcp
** in my /etc/inetd.conf, I have line:
20001/1 stream tcp wait jingyu /usr/local/bin/sgifaceserver sgifaceserver
/data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP 1200:1200:10
** permissions of /usr/local/bin/sgifaceserver:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jingyu bioinfo 13955280 Sep 20 16:13 sgifaceserver
** the permissions of the parent directory of the ./database ./wspec
drwxrwxr-x 16 jingyu bioinfo 1024 Sep 25 08:51 Local-CP
** the permissions of the parent directory of the database/, wspec/
drwxrwxrwx 6 jingyu bioinfo 512 Sep 25 14:51 database
drwxrwxrwx 3 jingyu bioinfo 1024 Sep 25 11:44 wspec
** in my serverpasswd.wrm, I add userid jingyu (the owner of the database):
admin: jingyu
jingyu b304243b3d2d67a3317c3435bc177030
** I sent inetd the interrupt signal by kill -HUP ...
** I test sgifaceserver in foreground by using jingyu (okay) and run
sgifaceserver from inetd (NOT work and given the same error message).
Belows are what I gained (step by step):
23 WATSON > pwd
24 WATSON > sgifaceserver .
// Database directory: /data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP
// Session 81 is readlocked by jingyu since 2001-09-25_15:23:06 using
sgifaceserver (process 6335 on machine WATSON)
// #### Server started at 2001-09-25_15:24:05
// #### host=(unknown) listening port=23100
// #### Database dir=/data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP
// #### Working dir=/data/users/jingyu/local_cabbage/Local-CP
// #### clientTimeout=600 serverTimeout=600 maxKbytes=0
// Server listening socket 10 created
Stopped (user)
25 WATSON > bg
[1] + sgifaceserver . &
26 WATSON > jobs
[1] + Running sgifaceserver .
27 WATSON > saceclient WATSON -port 23100
Please enter userid: jingyu
Please enter passwd:
// ProcessQueries: bonjour
// New Client 1, 1 active clients
// Nonce passed: 146d9953ef32f40b24ce8cc6e34be2cd
// ProcessQueries: jingyu a71f1ffc0327f77b293a39720a09e19b
acedb at WATSON> quit
// Closing connection to server.
// ProcessQueries: quit
// ProcessQueries passed auth: quit
// Client 1 (1 active). Query: quit
// Closing Client 1, now 0 active clients
// Client sent termination signal by server.
// Response: 13 bytes.
// A bientot
// Please report problems to acedb at sanger.ac.uk
// Bye
28 WATSON > saceclient WATSON -port 20001
Please enter userid: jingyu
Please enter passwd:
FATAL ERROR - (jingyu on WATSON) reported by program saceclient (ACEDB
4_9c), in file acesocketlib.c, at line 284: connect error system error 146
- Connection refused
29 WATSON > ps -ef | grep sgif
jingyu 6389 6344 0 15:42:35 pts/9 0:00 grep sgif