ace_4.9c saceserver on solaris?

Dave Matthews matthews at greengenes.cit.cornell.edu
Wed Sep 26 04:42:30 EST 2001

Hi Ed,

> Looking at the above I see that your inetd.conf entry will result in the
> server running as user "nobody", does this user have permission to read/write
> to the database ? I would guess not, if this is the case then that is the
> source of your problem.

What??  Yes this is correct, I just tested.  saceserver won't start unless
it has _write_ access to the database directory.

This is quite a change from the rpc aceserver's behavior, and a surprising
one.  I see now that wdoc/SOCKET_aceserver.html says,

  user name under which the daemon runs, avoid root, choose some local user
  owning /home/databases/aardvarkDB

I wonder, could a more specific error message be given when this problem is
encountered, instead of just "Connection refused"?

- Dave


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