Trouble loading large data into AceDB

Qunfeng Dong qfdong at iastate.edu
Thu Sep 27 10:31:02 EST 2001

Dear Tim, 

Thanks for your help! I checked the cachesize.wrm file. It shows
Cache1 = 128000
Cache2 = 256000
DISK = 80000

How should I change it?


> In article <200109251931.f8PJVd8I022181 at mailhub-2.iastate.edu>,
> Qunfeng Dong  <qfdong at iastate.edu> wrote:
> >Hi there, 
> >
> >Sorry if this has been discussed before. I am having some weird problems of 
> >loading Ace files into AceDB. The problem is that sometimes AceDB crashed 
> >whenever the Ace files exceed certain limits (just a couple of thousand 
> >records). There is nothing wrong with the Ace file syntax and after I break 

> >Ace file into smaller ones, the loading is fine again. 
> >
> >Is there a simple way to fix this? Thanks!
> Have you tried increasing the values in cachesize.wrm?
> Tim.
> -- 
> "It is the job of Sales and Marketing to insulate those who know what
> they're talking about from each other"
>   -- I know who said this, but I'm not telling.

Qunfeng Dong, Ph.D
ZmDB Manager 
2104 Molecular Biology Building
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50010

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