Hi Need Some Information!!

Ed Griffiths edgrif at sanger.ac.uk
Thu Jul 11 03:10:14 EST 2002


>    I have downloaded the Acedb for Windows on my pc but the doubt that i
> have is, should i have to download the database also??and also the whole
> configuration process is abstract to me......can you just guide me through
> this process?? I need an Ace database on my windows in which i can store my
> own xml data.

I have answered at least part of your question in my previous note, there are
documents on the web site (www.acedb.org) to help with configuration. Its also
better to send these questions to the newsgroup:

	bionet-software-acedb at net.bio.net

as people are generally willing to help, make suggestions. You will need to be
more explicit however about exactly HOW you want to store the xml and HOW you
want to use it.

cheers Ed

| Ed Griffiths, Acedb development, Informatics Group,                    |
|        Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,  |
|               Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK                          |
|                                                                        |
| email: edgrif at sanger.ac.uk  Tel: +44-1223-494780  Fax: +44-1223-494919 |

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