XML -> .ace format

Dave Matthews matthews at greengenes.cit.cornell.edu
Thu Jul 11 10:31:37 EST 2002

It sounds like Anu's situation is that he has some data in XML format
and wants to make an ACEDB database out of it.  Presumably this would
mean creating a models.wrm to match the structure of the data.  Seems
like a useful thing to want to do.

Does anyone have a parser to convert XML to .ace files?  As I recall
Lincoln Stein was thinking about this at the Vancouver ACEDB 2000 meeting.

The main part of the configuration process is editing the file
wspec/models.wrm.  Some good explanations of how to do this, and about
the format of the input data files, are at
http://www.acedb.org/Cornell/models_guide.html and

- Dave

> From: "Anuradha Natarajan" <im_anu at hotmail.com>
> To: bionet-software-acedb at net.bio.net
> Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:10:47 +0100 (BST)
> Hi,
> My task is to create an Acedb database and populate the database
> with xml documents so that i can run a query.i dont have much information on 
> how to go about   this as i am new to this domain....so kindly need ur 
> help....can you just tell me what all i need to download from www.acedb.org 
> in order to complete this task.
> Thanx in advance!!
> regards,
> anu.

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