error message while Read Models: sorry the administrator owning the $(ACEDB) directory can modiffy the models

Jean Thierry-Mieg mieg at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Mon Jul 15 06:16:29 EST 2002

error message while Read Models: sorry the administrator owning the 
$(ACEDB) directory can modiffy the models.


on unix
this means that the person owning the database files
ls -lsa $ACEDB/database 

must be the person logged on trying to read the models


i am not sur eof the equivalent on windows
but what evr is a user name on win98 should be used
both when installing the acedb database and when
modifying the models


this is not very useful because i do not undersatnd win98
usaer identification but it may give you an idea of
what the problem is


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