pb:session already has write access

Marc Colosimo mcolosim at brandeis.edu
Fri Jul 19 03:06:26 EST 2002

 >By the way, is there anybody having the aceserver and aceclient working
 >on macosX?

Can you be more specific about what is not working with the aceserver 
and aceclient? Have you tried using aceclient to connect to an aceserver 
running somewhere else?

I haven't tried these myself and I wouldn't be surprised if the 
aceserver does not run on OS <10.1.5. I don't know how good the RPC code 
is. The socket versions (saceserver and saceclient) work great and are 
much easier to set-up. I'll be writing a perl script, sometime, to get 
it running nicely (once I learn how to send the logs and error messages 
some place nice).



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