My next question:
From pre-4_8 times, the following is an example of how I specified
calling a viewer to view graphic files:
Pick_me_to_call $ACE_VIEW_COMMAND $ACEDB/externalFiles/Clones/pBR322.gif
With 4_9f, execution of this call launches the viewer specified
by $ACE_VIEW_COMMAND, but it can't find the file.
The error message is not even "file not found", but rather,
it seems as if the second of the two arguments is not even
sent to the shell.(ie. the first thing the script does is
to copy the file, but I get an "insufficient number of arguments"
In another case,
Pick_me_to_call $ACEFETCH L05425
correctly calls the $ACEFETCH script to retrieve GenBank entry L05425.
Perhaps there is something about having an environment
variable in the second argument that has changed?
Brian Fristensky |
Department of Plant Science | Best insult yet from my 5-year old
University of Manitoba | daughter:
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 CANADA |
frist at | "... you, you, you --- TWEETY BRAIN!"
Office phone: 204-474-6085 |
FAX: 204-474-7528 |