"%" in tablemaker data

Dave Matthews matthews at greengenes.cit.cornell.edu
Thu Apr 3 02:47:25 EST 2003

Hi Rob,

> Ed fixed a tablemaker bug like this some time ago, so I wonder if it's 
> the same thing.  Could you try it with the latest monthly release (4_9p)?

Yes it's mainly fixed now.  No crash. (Thanks!)  

Still a little wart:  Tablemaker outputs "\%" instead of "%".  Example below.:

- Dave

acedb> find colleague test*

// Found 2 objects in this class
// 2 Active Objects
acedb> show

Colleague test1
  Remark      90% here.

Colleague test2
  Remark      kj022%MTTK at cc.Helsinki.fi

acedb> table percent_crash.def

"test1" "90\% here."
"test2" "kj022\%MTTK at cc.Helsinki.fi"


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