Hi Jason,
Your question is beyond me. Perhaps it'll be more comprehensively
answered by ACeDB user group.
Jason Maydan via ACEDB feedback page wrote:
> Full name: Jason Maydan
> Institution: C. elegans Gene Knockout Lab - UBC
> Address: jmjedi at yahoo.com>> DATABASE RECORD: (unknown class): (unknown name)
>> SUBMITTED FROM PAGE: http://www.wormbase.org/>> COMMENT TEXT:
> Hello there,
>> I was wondering if someone there might be able to quickly answer a couple of questions that I have about AceDB. I recently installed version 4.9u, and I would like to customize it a bit.
> 1) From the main window when I type in a cosmid name and then double-click Sequence, it opens up a window for me where I can select the columns that I wish to view. Can I make it default to only the columns that I'm insterested in, by editing the config files in some way? I spent some time trying to figure out how, but didn't have any luck. The columns that I'm interested in seeing are DNA Sequence, -curated, curated, scale, Deletion_allele, and Alleles.
> 2) I really dislike the default colour that highlights selected DNA sequence (I'm told it's a 'peach' kind of colour). It doesn't stand out very well. Is there a way to change this default colour to some other colour?
>> Thanks for your help. I figured you might be a good place to look for help, since I'm sure there are a lot of you that know AceDB inside and out.
>> Cheers,
>> Jason Maydan
Raymond Lee
raymond at caltech.eduhttp://www.WormBase.org/
California Institute of Technology
Division of Biology 156-29
Pasadena, CA 91125
tel: 626.395.2687 fax: 626.395.8611