I have been trying to get the graphical socket server client -sxaceclient-
to work (the text version -saceclient- works just fine).
After starting the server with an assigned portnumber in the region
recommended (e.g.23600), when I try to get the graphics client up in the
bin.SOLARIS_4_RELEASE/sxaceclient myservername -port 23600 /data/base/home/directory
I get this reply:
**** Program xaceclient, compiled on: Jul 3 2002 11:09:42 ****
**** Using ACEDB 4_9f, compiled on: Jul 3 2002 11:03:45 ****
Code by: Jean Thierry-Mieg (CNRS, France) mieg at crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd at sanger.ac.uk
Simon Kelley (Sanger Centre, UK) srk at sanger.ac.uk
Ed Griffiths (Sanger Centre, UK) edgrif at sanger.ac.uk
with ideas and code contributed from many laboratories including:
Danielle Thierry-Mieg on the user interface
Michel Potdevin on more-info, biblio and debugging
Erik Sonnhammer for the blixem and dotter packages,
Friedemann Wobus on AQL and the graphic package
Ian Longden on graphics applications
Otto Ritter on large data sets and the attach mechanism,
Detlef Wolf for quality control
Petr Kocab and Martin Senger for rpc layer;
Franck Eeckman for the Mac port
John McCarthy on metadata and documentation,
Gary Aochi for the query interface
UC Berkeley Drosophila Genome group:
Cyrus Harmon also for the Mac port
Suzana Lewis on the graphic toolbox
University of British Columbia, Canada:
Richard Bruskiewich on the Microsoft Windows port.
and also:
Phil Green (genefinder), Jaime Prilusky (Mosaic help),
Sam Cartinhour and John Morris on documentation.
This list is only tentative, we apologise for omissions, and wish to
stress that these people and others have also helped fix all sorts
of details that cannot be listed individually.
Thank you et merci.
You may redistribute this program and database subject to the
conditions in the accompanying copyright file. Anyone interested in
maintaining an up-to-date version should contact one of the authors
at the above email addresses.
// Database directory: /data/base/home/directory
// Session 16 is readlocked by manager since 2003-07-09_10:13:45 using
saceserver (process 13726 on machine enterprise)
A bientot
and a grey box with the following message:
'connection to server, port 0 failed. sorry please check wspec/server.wrm'
I am not prompted for username and password as I am when I run
the text client. Checking wspec/server.wrm doesn't really help me much, but see below...
Clicking on the continue option in the warning box brings up the graphical
interface to the database anyway (but obviously not running through the
server?). Checking my ACeDB Workshop notes shows that xaceclient is/was
experimental now/then. Is the above what you would expect to happen? Can I
have multiple users running the graphics client, and how do I get a
username password prompt, or will I just have to wait until this has been
developed further?
Best wishes,
PS: Running Solaris8, actual database was made with ACEDB Version 4_7g
some time ago, and so the wspec/server.wrm file is based on this version, too.
Dr. S. Anette Becher
Bioinformatics Officer
Oxford University Bioinformatics Centre
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3RE
Tel.(1): +44 (0)1865 275507
Tel.(2): +44 (0)1865 222358
FAX : +44 (01865) 275515