Error after installing Acedb on Win2000

xiaofeng.xin at utoronto.ca xiaofeng.xin at utoronto.ca
Thu Sep 4 03:41:04 EST 2003


I downloaded ACEDB-windows.4_9t.exe from 
http://www.acedb.org/Software/Downloads/supported.shtml, and just run it to 
install on a PC under windows 2000. After installation, when I run the program 
a wrong operation window jump out with title"startace.exe - Entry Point Not 
Found" and body "The procedure entry point pthread_mutex_lock could not be 
located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll." 

And if installed under windows 98. When I run it, two windows jump out. One is 
with title "C:Acedb\bin\startace.exe" and body "C:Acedb\bin\startace.exe  A 
device attached to the system is not functioning.", the other is with 
title "Error Starting Program" and body "The STARTACE.EXE file is linked to 
missing export CYGWIN1.DLL:pthread_mutex_lock." Seems the same thing. 

And the hardwares of these two PC are all beyond basic hardware requirement. 

So could you help me figure it out? Thank you very much!!! 

Sincerely yours, 

Xiaofeng Xin 


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