TableMaker: How to query unnamed classes

Eric Snyder SnyderEE at pbrc.edu
Wed Sep 10 05:21:22 EST 2003

Dear ACEDB Users,

I have developed a new ACE database with several new classes. 
when I try to use Tablemaker to query on them, the new classes do not
appear in
the "class ..." selector menu.  Without the ability to select a class,
there is 
no way to do a query.

I have looked for a .wrm file in /wspec that might list the allowed
for Tablemaker but I have not found anything that looks even vaguely
Short of hacking the source code, is there a way I can add new classes
those recognized by Tablemaker?  

Thanks in advance,

Eric E. Snyder
Associate Professor
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808-4124
Phone:  (225) 763-3185
Fax: (225) 763-2525
Email: eesnyder at pbrc.edu 
ICBM: N 30 24'14.0", W 91 07'20.0"


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