Fragmentation Fault

Ed Griffiths edgrif at sanger.ac.uk
Thu Feb 26 09:01:49 EST 2004

Chia Hung,

>     The weird thing is that one other person in the lab (whose account
> belongs to a different user group), had no problem at all. I have logged in
> as another user in that same group (but not the account of the person
> without any problem), but that did not help the situation.
>     I understand that "Segmentation Fault" is a hard problem to diagnose.
> Does anyone have any hints or insights as to why this is happening and /or
> how I might be able to alleviate the problem? Thanks for your help!!

what Nicolas said could well be the cause but there is one other thing you 
should check.....

All users have a ".acedbrc" file in their home directory, this contains acedb 
preferences which you can edit via the "Preferences" window from the xace main 

there are some blixem options that you should check, in particular BLIXEM_SCOPE 
& BLIXEM_HOMOL_MAX. These control the number of matches passed from acedb to 
blixem and it may be that you have these set at a level that means blixem is 
being passed too many matches and then runs out of memory or there is some other 
problem because of the number of matches.

Find the other persons .acedbrc and compare it to yours.

cheers Ed
| Ed Griffiths, Acedb development, Informatics Group,                    |
|        Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,  |
|               Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK                          |
|                                                                        |
| email: edgrif at sanger.ac.uk  Tel: +44-1223-494780  Fax: +44-1223-494919 |

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