[Acedb-soft] Acedb on OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

kbradnam from mac.com via acedb%40net.bio.net (by kbradnam from gmail.com)
Thu Jan 24 11:13:11 EST 2008

The 4.9.39 binaries of xace and tace will work on Leopard...with a
little help.

You need to also install glib and gtk+. In the past I have done this
by using the fink project (http://www.finkproject.org/). However, the
version of glib available under fink doesn't meet the specifications
of what acedb needs. So, I tried installing MacPorts (http://
www.macports.org/) which has a similar raison d'etre to fink, and this
has a later version of glib.

So download MacPorts, use it to install glib, gtk+ and readline, and
then make one final tweak. Acedb will look in /usr/local/lib whereas
MacPorts installs to /opt/local/lib. So I just created a sym link at /
usr/local/lib to point to /opt/local/lib.



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