Dear annelid-o-philes,
I have recently joined Annelida and received information with my
subscription that the main raison d'etre for the group is discussion of
"research on the culture of annelids, but operation of commercial and home
worm-farms will not be a discussion topic".
I am interested in the culture of marine finfish and in the possibility of
using cultured marine worms as a feed during the very early (late larval)
stages of fish growth.
Specifically, I am looking to find if anybody has:
1) cultured marine worms, and if so can they direct me to practical help
with this (people / publications)?
2) used cultured worms as an early feed for finfish?
3) any data on the total fat content and percentage content constituted by
polyunsaturated fatty acids (etc), in marine worms?
4) information on any newsgroup that addresses questions on the commercial
culture of marine worms?
I would very much appreciate any feedback on these questions,
Thankyou in advance,
Andrew Lord
Dr Andrew P.D. Lord
PO Box 142
Belair, SA,
e-mail: apdl at