ANNELIDA info sheet mistake

Geoffrey Read Geoffrey.Read at actrix.gen.nz
Wed Dec 20 04:34:05 EST 1995


I don't know if that 1000 lines of "Info sheet for BIOSCI" was sent to the
list by computer error or as deliberate policy. I hope it was the former. If
the latter I shall try to persuade the Bionet admin not to do it again. It is
excessively lengthy and largely irrelevant to us. As far as I know only the
mini FAQ (frequently asked questions) is regularly sent to the lists. 

Note that the new WWW hypermail archive doesn't appear to include ANNELIDA
mail as yet. It is still available at gopher://gopher.bio.net:70/11/ANNELIDA

Happy holidays anyway. 

   Geoff Read <gread at actrix.gen.nz>
   Annelida resources =>  http://www.actrix.gen.nz/users/chaeto/index.html

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