Glycera (fwd)

Geoffrey Read Geoffrey.Read at actrix.gen.nz
Tue Apr 2 16:48:43 EST 1996

[Forwarded to ANNELIDA list from TAXACOM list for obvious reasons by GBR.]
[Apologies for any duplication experienced]

Craeymeersch, Johan, current ANNELIDA subscriber, writes:-

Date:         Tue, 2 Apr 1996 16:33:00 PST
Sender: Biological Systematics Discussion List <TAXACOM at CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU>
From: "Craeymeersch, Johan" <craeymer at CEMO.NIOO.NL>
Subject:      Glycera

We are presently reidentifying all Glycera specimen we collected in the last
5 years. We use the key  Brendan O'Connor published some years ago (J. of
Natural History, 21, 167-189, 1987). However, at the last point (11) we are
not sure what is ment. The socket for articulation of the terminal section
of the composite chaetae are either deeply cleft (G. lapidum comples) or not
cleft (G. mimica). However, in fig. 14 and 16 it looks like both are cleft.
Has anyone used this key and is able to explain?

Does anyone know whether the G. lapidum complex has been further analyzed

Johan Craeymeersch
craeymer at nioo.nl
(in the near future: craeymer at cemo.nioo.knaw.nl)
Netherlands Institute of Ecology
Vierstraat 28
4401 EA Yerseke

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