Hallo everyone,
since months I am looking for the following references and it was
impossible for me to get them, as their references are incomplete.
Can anyone tell me some of the complete citations?
The requested references are:
- Annenkova, N. P. (1937)
[The polychaete fauna of the northern part of the Japan Sea.]
?Issledovanija fauny morej, 23: 139-216, 60 figs.
-> "Issledovanija fauny morej" supposedly is wrong. According to our
librarist the journal was published first 1962.
- Bocquet, Martine (1971),
Contribution a l'etude infrastructurale de l'organe photorecepteur
des Syllidae (Annelide Polychete). Pp. 1-25. D. E. A.
-> What is "D.E.A."?
- Cuenot, L. (1921)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
- Edmondson, C. H. (1946)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
- Gruet, Yves (1971)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
- Hartman, Olga (1958)
-> Citation is completely lacking. Pionosyllis pigmentata has been
cited in it.
- Lucas, J. A. W. (1954)
Verslag van de onderzoekingen van J. Lucas gederunde zijn verbligf
aan het Zoologisch Station te Napels van 16 juli tot 25 augustus
1953. - K. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 63: 6-9.
-> Name of journal (Reports? Memories? ...) is unknown.
- Pettibone, Marian H. (1956)
-> Citation is completely lacking. The author has written on
synonymy of Ehlersia heterochaeta with Ehlersia cornuta.
- Semenov, V. N. (1982)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
- Uchida, Hiro'omi (1956)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
- Vinogradova, Nina G. & Lossovskaja (1968)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
- Zavodnik, Dusan (1969)
-> Citation is completely lacking.
Thanks for help!
Frank Licher
Frank Licher <LICHER at cipfb5.biologie.uni-osnabrueck.de>
Universitaet Osnabrueck, FB 5, Spezielle Zoologie
D-49069 Osnabrueck, Germany
Tel: +49-(0)541-969-2859 Fax: +49-(0)541-969-2870