Polychaete literature CD-ROM reminder

Geoff Read gread at storm.greta.cri.nz
Fri Feb 2 11:13:05 EST 1996

Those seeking an introduction to literature on specific topics may 
not know that, as well as their standard library resources,  there is also a
 polychaete-specific CD-ROM which will help a great deal to get them started. 

The information below is quoted from CHAETOZONE-2 of May 1994,
 but, as far as I know, it's still valid. In issue 4 of the 
newsletter there is some background on some quirks of the CD-ROM.

"Copies of "Literature on the Polychaeta (Annelida)", by Linda Ward and
  Kristian Fauchald, published in 1990 on a CD-ROM for IBM compatibles, are
  still available, and now at the reduced price of USD 15.00. This unique
  compilation has about 10,000 bibliographic citations from 1705-1989,
  (only a few for 1989). [That's about 6000 added since Hartman's 1951
  book!] The CD-ROM, the first from the Smithsonian, also contains
  bibliographies on freshwater crayfish and cephalopods.  Linda Ward
  advises that work continues on preparing an updated version and filling
  in omissions, but the new CD-ROM is some time off yet. Plans to make the
  revision accessible and searchable over the Internet are also under

"Please send requests with payment (check/cheque, money order or bank
  draft in US dollars) made out to the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION) to:
  Linda Ward, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, NHB MRC 163, Smithsonian
  Institution,  Washington, D.C. 20560, USA.

Linda's e-mail is  <mnhiv003 at sivm.si.edu>

Geoff Read             <gread at storm.greta.cri.nz>
|\ | | \  /\  /  /\    Nat. Inst. Water & Atmos. Res., Wellington NZ
| \| |  \/  \/  /--\   Taihoro Nukurangi	 
Annelida resources =>  http://www.actrix.gen.nz/users/chaeto/index.html

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