Litt. research

Caron Alain Alain_Caron at uqar.uquebec.ca
Fri Feb 2 00:01:13 EST 1996

I need some recent references about the effect of dregded materials on
macrofaunal composition in shallow-water communities.  

Thank you for help

Alain Caron

Alain Caron                      *  Tel.: 418-724-1770
Dep. Oceanographie               *  Fax.: 418-724-1842
U. du Quebec a Rimouski          *  
310 Allee des Ursulines          *  E-mail: Alain_Caron at uqar.uquebec.ca
Rimouski (Qc)                    *
Canada                           *
G5L 3A1                          *

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