Sixth Polychaete Conference - SA research

Geoffrey Read Geoffrey.Read at actrix.gen.nz
Fri Feb 9 04:13:10 EST 1996

Paulo Lana once wrote:
>It is also my intention to create or strengthen scientific cooperation
>between South-american researchers and the international polychaetological
>community, by creating facilities for short visits to local institutions
>just prior or just after the Conference. So, just tell me about any
>special interests on South American polychaetes (or closely related 
It would be useful to know what people are already up to in the region so 
outsiders have an idea of who to approach for collaborations and don't 
unwittingly compete with or duplicate work in progress.
As a starter here are some names. Rather few considering the enormous span of
South American coasts. I've lifted them from a list Mary Petersen had and
added a couple. Probably Paulo could do much better. Would someone who knows
more like to annotate and extend/update it and repost with addresses and
research interests or at very least indicate how poorly it matches reality?
     Dr. A. Cecilia Z. Amaral
     Dr. Paulo da Cunha Lana
     Dr. Jose Audisio C. Luna
     Dr. E. H. Morgado
     Professor Edmundo Ferraz Nonato
     Dr. L. B. Salvador
     Dr. Lara Salvador-Bellintani
     Dr. Paulo Jorge Parreira dos Santos
     Dr. Maria Auxiliadora Santos
     Cinthya S. G. Santos
     Dr. Vera Maria Abud Pacifico da Silva
     Priscila Paixao Lopes
     Dr. Analia Amor
     Dr. C. S. Bremec
     Dr. Franklin D. Carrasco
     Dr. Victor A. Gallardo
     Dr. Juan Jose Antonio Laverde-Castillo 
     Professor David Bone

   Geoff Read <gread at actrix.gen.nz>

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