Forwarded to ANNELIDA with permission (with comments relevant only to me
deleted -- GBR)
Dr J. M. Orensanz <LOBO at> writes:-
... regarding South American polychaetes. Although I have been
living in the US for ca. 15 years and much of my current
work deals with the modelling and management of shellfish
resources, I began my scientific career in Argentina as a
marine zoologist, with a strong interest in polychaetes.
Between 1965 (while I was still an undergraduate student)
and 1977 (when I had to leave my country for reasons alien
to my will), I put together a large collection of
polychaetes, mostly from northern Argentina and Uruguay
(approximate latitudinal range 32o S to 42o S). All the
materials were sorted to the generic level, and in all
included more than 300 spp, many of them undescribed. I was
able to publish on several of the families. Over the years,
I also sent materials (often accompanied by my notes and
draft drawings) to a number of colleagues. Many of these
were published (see references below); others have been
studied to various degrees but are still unpublished.
Materials sent out for study include:
Meredith L. Jones: Magelonids (4 spp.)
Charlene D. Long: Pectinariids (one sp.)
Harry A. Wells: Arenicolids (two spp.)
Dave Kirtley: Sabellariids
Mary Petersen: Pholoe (one undescribed sp.), Cirratulids
Wilfried Westheide: an undescribed Microphthalmoid hesionid
Marian Pettibone: Some polynoids (Euphionella spp. and an
Alentia-like undescribed sp.); an undescribed
sigalionid genus; one Eulepethid.
Analia Amor: an undescribed Flabelligerid
P. & E.W. Knight-Jones: Sabellids
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo: Pilargids
Jim Blake: Spionids, Orbiniids
All these efforts, including mine and the enlisted help of
others, were part of a formal research project conducted
between 1970 and 1974 at the then Instituto de Biologia
Marina (later taken away from the Universities and
transformed into a fisheries agency), whose purpose was a
comprehensive survey of the polychaete fauna from the
southwestern Atlantic. This truncated project was one among
the many academic casualties of the dramatic years of
Argentina's last (or so I hope) military dictatorship.
I have corresponded with other colleagues about the
possibility of them studying other materials, but in some
cases I was unable to finalize arrangements due to the fact
that most of my collections are in Argentina. I am now
spending more time in South America (Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay), mostly in relation to teaching/research projects
in resource management, but always keeping an eye on marine
fauna & polychaetes. Next March I will be teaching in
Montevideo (Uruguay), and during April I will be in
Argentina. That could create the opportunity to retrieve
selected materials (some of which I am already committed to
send to several colleagues).
Much of my current zoological interest in the SW Atlantic
regards several questions in biogeography. In that context I
keep an electronic catalogue (still far for complete) of
benthic invertebrates from the southwestern Atlantic & its
adjacencies (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile south of 47o S;
intertidal to 2,000 m). It contains references and notes on
the distribution of ca. 3,000 species (Sponges through
Cephalochordates), and is regularly updated (as time
permits) with the input of colleagues from all over the
World (thank you INTERNET!). My main objective through this
efforts (which are largely individual and unsupported) has
been to improve and organize the information available on
the composition and distribution of the South-West Atlantic
biota. Ideally, these files should be converted some day
into a relational data-base, centralized at one of our
Museums, and available to the public. Needless to say,
potential support for such a project is nihil.
Now, back to your message, I would be glad to assist Paulo,
yourself, and colleagues in general in everything within my
reach concerning Argentine polychaetes. I hope to attend the
next Polychaete Conference (this would be my first), and if
things are arranged with due anticipation I might be helpful
in providing some assistance/orientation to persons with
specific projects. [...]
J.M. (Lobo) Orensanz
School of Fisheries, U. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: (206) 685-3609
FAX: (206) 685-7471
E-Mail: lobo at
Appendix.- The following published studies included
materials from my survey of the polychaete fauna of the
southwestern Atlantic:
AMOR, A. 1994. Ecology of Pherusa sp. (POLYCHAETA,
FLABELLIGERIDAE). Mem. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. 162: 339-
BLAKE,J.A. 1979. Four new species of Caraziella (POLYCHAETA:
SPIONIDAE) from North and South America, with a
redescription of two previously described forms. Proc.
biol. Soc. Wash. 92: 466-481.
- 1983. Polychaetes of the family SPIONIDAE from South
America, Antarctica, and adjacent seas and islands.
Antarct. Res. Ser. 39: 205-288.
KIRTLEY,D.W. 1994. A review and taxonomic revision of the
family SABELLARIIDAE Johnston, 1865 (ANNELIDA:
POLYCHAETA). Sabecon Press, Science Series No. 1, 223
ORENSANZ,J.M. 1973a. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina.I.PALMYRIDAE, AMPHINOMIDAE y
EUPHROSINIDAE. Physis 83: 485-502.
- 1973b. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina.II. APHRODITIDAE. Physis 83:
- 1974a. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. III.DORVILLEIDAE. Physis 85:
- 1974b. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. IV. LUMBRINERIDAE. Physis 85:
- l974c. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. V. ONUPHIDAE. Physis 33 (86-
A): 75-122.
- l974d. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. VI. ARABELLIDAE. Physis 33
(87-A): 381-408.
- l975a. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. VII. EUNICIDAE y LYSARETIDAE.
Physis 34 (88-A): 85-111.
- l975b. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. VIII. POLYGORDIDAE. Neotropica
20 (62): 87-90.
- l975c. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. X. ACROCIRRIDAE. Neotropica 20
(63): 113-118.
- l976a. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Argentina. IX. POECILOCHAETIDAE y
COSSURIDAE. Com. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo
(Uruguay) 10 (140): 8 pages, l plate.
- l976b. Los Anelidos Poliquetos de la Provincia
Biogeografica Magallanica. I. Catalogo de las Especies
Citadas hasta l974. Laboratorio de Comunidades
Bentonicas (ga/scdm), Contr. Tecn. # 1 (Argentina), 83
pages (mimeo).
- l977. POLYCHAETA. In S.H.HURLBERT,ed., 'Biota Acuatica
de Sudamerica Austral', San Diego State University,
pages 97-98.
- 1990. The Eunicemorph polychaete annelids from
Antarctic and Subantarctic Seas. Antarctic Research
Series 52: 1-183.
ORENSANZ,J.M. and M.C.ESTIVARIZ. 1972. Los Anelidos
Poliquetos de aguas salobres de la Provincia de Buenos
Aires, Argentina. Rev. Mus. La Plata (Argentina)
11(Zool.98): 95-104.
ORENSANZ,J.M. & N.M.GIANUCA. l974. Contribuicao ao
conhecimento dos Anelideos Poliquetos do Rio Grande do
Sul, Brasil. I. Lista sistematica preliminar e
descricao de tres novas especies. Com. Zool. Mus.
Cienc. Pontif. Univ. Cat. Rio Graande do Sul (Porto
Alegre, Brasil), # 4, 37 pages, plates.
ORENSANZ,J.M. & F.RAMIREZ. l973. Taxonomia y distribucion de
los poliquetos pelagicos del Atlantico Sudoccidental.
Bol. Inst. Biol. Mar. Mar del Plata (Argentina) # 21,
86 pages, 14 tables, l6 plates.
planctologicos de la Campana 'OCEANTAR I'. II.
Poliquetos. Contr. Inst. Antartico Argentino N-184, 41
pages, ill.
PETTIBONE,M.J. 1986. Additions to the family EULEPETHIDAE
Chamberlin (POLYCHAETA: APHRODITACEA). Smith. Contr.
Zool. 441, 51 pp.
SALAZAR-VALLEJO,S.I. and J.M.ORENSANZ. 1991. Pilargidos
(ANNELIDA: POLYCHAETA) de Uruguay y Argentina. Cah.
Biol. Mar. 32: 267-279.
Geoff Read <gread at>
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