
Gary R. Gaston bygaston at sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu
Mon Feb 12 09:28:43 EST 1996

Jerry McLelland and I have been working on some Aricidea recently, and we
noticed that adult specimens usually are packed posteriorly with fairly
large sand grains.  This makes their posterior ends, which are thin walled,
easily lost during washing of samples.  Question:  Can they pass these sand
grains?  We have not been able to maintain any specimens in culture, but it
appears impossible that these sand grains pass through the anus, and they
are so far posterior that I doubt they can be regurgitated.  Perhaps the
sand grains have some function in digestion, but without much muscle in this
region I doubt it.  Anybody seen this before or have any experience with it?
No personal testimonials, please, we're talking worms only.
Gary R. Gaston
Biology Department
University, Mississippi 38677
(601) 232-7162

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