You still can join the DEEPSEA electronic mailing list!
The DEEPSEA mailing list exists to serve as an electronic forum for the
world's community of deep-sea and hydrothermal vent/seep biologists,
oceanographers, and geologists. By joining DEEPSEA, you will recieve
messages from the DEEPSEA membership by email. Frequent uses of DEEPSEA
include searches for specialist literature or opinion, specimen exchange,
technical discussions, and general discussions about deep-sea marine
biology and geology. As of December 1994, DEEPSEA had over 600 members
representing more than 35 countries.
DEEPSEA is now available via the USENET thanks to BIOSCI!
USENET: bionet.biology.deepsea
WWW Interface:
Email Subscription Information
Gopher: gopher://
World Wide Web:
Andrew McArthur
DEEPSEA Moderator
amcarthu at