Site of next polychaete conference

Paul Schroeder SCHROEDE at wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
Tue Feb 20 14:41:10 EST 1996

I just received my copy of the March issue of the Scientific American. The
lead article discusses urban planning in Curitiba, Brazil, the site of the
next international polychaete conference. Since I know little about this
part of the world, I was pleased to see that the city is a model of urban
planning and among the nicest in Brazil; if you are thinking of going, this
article should help you decide to do it! Check out: Scientific American, March
1996, pp.46-53. Now, where is my travel agent's phone number?

Cheers to all,

Paul Schroeder
schroede at wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu

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