Jonathan's comments

JOHN REYNOLDS JREYNOLD at flemingc.on.ca
Sun Feb 25 09:57:14 EST 1996

Dear Group:

    Glowing or biolumenescence in earthworms is not that uncommon.  
It has been recorded in the southeastern United States in native and 
exotic species as well as many other continents.

    I suspect that in southern Africa what Jonathan saw was 
Microscolex phosphoreus (Duges, 1837) of the family Acanthodrilidae.

    Jonathan Leeming should contact Dr. Adrian Reinecke at 
Stellenbosch University (Dept. of Zoology) who should be able to help 

Dr. John W. Reynolds
Oligochaetology Laboratory
16 Tracey's Hill Road, R.R. # 5
Lindsay, Ontario, Canada  K9V 4R5

fax (705) 878-8781
e-mail:  jreynold at flemingc.on.ca

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