4th European Life Sciences Conference

Ian Richardson I.Richardson at defacto.co.uk
Tue Feb 27 11:57:41 EST 1996

Atlas Venture and Ernst & Yound are proud to present the 4th European 
Life Sciences Conference - a conference that offers the best early stage 
partenering opportunities in European Life Sciences.

The conference will take place at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands on the 14, 15 and 16 April 1996.

Over 45 European biotechnology companies will present at the conference 
with speakers including David MacCallum, Managing Director, UBS, Mr Terry 
Downey, VP Corporate Development, Johnson & Johnson, and Dr Goran Ando, 
Executive VP Worldwide Science and Technology, Pharmacia & Upjohn.

Who should attend?
Executives from companies with an interest in the financing of, or 
partnerships with, the biopharmaceutical industry.  This includes venture 
capitalists, investment bankers, managers and business developers, 
Biotech adn Medtech start-ups, and EC regulatory officials.

For more information and registration, contact Elsbeth Jansen, Ernst & 
Young, tel: +31 30 258 88 95, fax: +31 30 258 82 00.
Address:	European Life Sciences Partnering Foundation
		c/o Ernst & Young
		P.O. Box 8138
		The Netherlands

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