This note is intended to attract attention to a confusing lapsus in:
Galil B.S., Luetzen J., 1995: Biological observations on Heterosaccus
dollfusi Boschma (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala), a parasite of Charybdis
longicollis Leene (Decapoda: Brachyura), a lessepsian migrant to the
Mediterranean. Journal of Crustacean biology, 15 (4): 659-670.
The authors report that on the coast of Israel the crab Charybdis
dollfusi, a Lessepsian migrant, may bear a serpulid polychaete when
parasited by the rhizocephalan, the castrated crab being prevented from
further molting.
-- p. 659, 661, 662/fig.1: the serpulid in question is given (mistakenly!)
as "Hydroides tuberculatus",
-- p. 669: in the acknowledgements it is given (correctly!) as Hydroides
operculatus (identified by Helmut Zibrowius).
In fact, the serpulid in question IS Hydroides operculatus (Treadwell,
1929), a species already documented as a Lessepsian migrant (Ben-Eliahu &
Ten Hove, 1992).
"Hydroides tuberculatus" is a transcription error by Galil & Luetzen,
for H. operculatus.
The Mediterranean crab epibiont is NOT Hydroides tuberculatus Imajima,
1976, a species originally described from Japan.
Thus, presently, Hydroides tuberculatus Imajima, 1976, is NOT registered
as a Lessepsian migrant. But let's see whether it will arrive at some later
time, possibly as a ship-travelling species, contributing to encrease the
biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea ...
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