Sensitivity/vulnerability indices.

J.A. Hall John.Hall at newcastle.ac.uk
Thu Jan 11 06:00:58 EST 1996

Fellow Annelidians,

I'm currently working on a post-doc aimed at analysing long-term changes
in the North Sea benthos (not necessarily just worms).  One of the main
factors that has been proposed as an agent of change is physical
disturbance by fishing. 

To test this hypothesis, I am attempting to compile a set of criteria
describing vulnerability/sensitivity of benthos to disturbance, including
things such as body structure, burrowing activity, life history etc. 
There appears to be little published literature, but having asked around
in the U.K. many people have had a stab at trying to solve this problem. 

Has anyone any experience of defining the features of an organism that
make it vulnerable to effects of, say otter or beam trawling?  Has anyone
tried to compile a list of organisms that are prone to disturbance by
using theoretical criteria, rather than by taking an experimental

Any information, posted to me directly, or to the net would be gratefully 



John Hall
Dove Marine Laboratory
North Shields 
Tyne and Wear
NE30 4PZ
Phone ++191 252 4850
FAX   ++191 252 1054

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