Hartmann-Schroeder book update

Geoffrey Read Geoffrey.Read at actrix.gen.nz
Mon Jan 22 03:51:48 EST 1996

A brief update on the delayed 2nd revised edition of the North Sea/Baltic
polychaete monograph, Tierwelt Deutschlands vol 58,  by Dr. Gesa
The publishers, Gustav Fischer Verlag, are now indicating the book will not
come out until mid 1996. The price is still not fixed but likely to be DM 290
or more, well up from the DM 248 of mid last year.
"Annelida, Borstenwuermer, Polychaeta," 1996, approx 800pp., 295 figs,
ISBN 3-334-61016-0
     Gustav Fischer Verlag  Fax: (03641) 62 65 00
     Postfach 100537
     D07705 Jena

   Geoff Read <gread at actrix.gen.nz>
   Annelida resources =>  http://www.actrix.gen.nz/users/chaeto/index.html

PS: Our magazine-sub spammer has been at it again -- seems he strikes at
weekends. Once again the headers and content are a pack of lies. Ignore him.

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