Sixth Polychaete Conference

Paulo Lana lana at cem.ufpr.br
Tue Jan 30 19:06:58 EST 1996

Dear colleagues,

I am currently preparing the first announcement to the Sixth
International Polychaete Conference, to be held in Curitiba (Brazil) in
August 1998. I hope to mail it next April. Most of the practical issues, 
such as
 conference venue, organization commitee, accomodations, mid- and post-
conference excursions have already been dealt upon. However, in order
to have a sound scientific agenda, I would appreciate to receive your
comments on preferred themes, suggested symposia or any other special
activities. This is specially addressed to our Polychaetology Association
and its Advisory Council, whose suggestions will be warmly welcome. 

It is also my intention to create or strengthen scientific cooperation
between Southamerican researchers and the international polychaetological
community, by creating facilities for short visits to local institutions
just prior or just after the Conference. So, just tell me about any
special interests on South American polychaetes (or closely related matters).

Please do not hesitate to e-mail me privately if you prefer to do so. I hope
to keep everybody informed about the conference through a) formal
announcements (three or four till 1998), b) this mailing list (thanks,
Geoffrey!) and, c) a WWW page, to be created in the near future.

With all my best wishes,

Paulo da Cunha Lana
Centro de Estudos do Mar - UFPR
Av. Beira-Mar, s/n
83255-000 Pontal do Sul - Parana - Brazil
Fone: + 55 41 4551333
Fax: + 55 41 4551105
E-mail: lana at aica.cem.ufpr.br

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