Dear All
As Aquaculture Development Officer for the Queensland Department of
Primary Industries in Australia I have received a small number of
enquiries about the culture of marine worms.
There is a small local bait fishery for the eunicid worm Marphysa
sanguinea, know as the 'blood' or 'mud' worm. It is found in a variety
of habitats including: muddy sand, oyster banks. under rocks and in
sponges. In estuarine areas it inhabits the beds of seagrass (Zostera
and Halophila species) and is found at sediment depths of 30-50 cm.
I would appreciate any biological or technical and culture information
any subscribers may be able to provide or point to. I have already
emailed Peter Olive in the UK with the same request.
Robert Swindlehurst
<SwindlR at>
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