Pogonophora [specm request]

Franck Zal zal at sb-roscoff.fr
Sun Jul 14 12:08:46 EST 1996

Dear Colleagues,

I'm working on invertebrate hemoglobin structures and more precisely on
vestimentiferans and annelids. Some species of these phyla possess
extracellular Hbs dissolved on their vascular blood or/and in their
coelomic fluid.
So, I'm looking for frozen Pogonophora specimens (Siboglinium, Oligobrachia
or...). Does anyone know how I should obtain these worms for Hb structure
purpose ?

Any information could be posted to me directly on my email address
zal at sb-roscoff.fr

Thanks a lot for your help.


Franck Zal


                                FRANCK ZAL

   STATION BIOLOGIQUE                         tel: (33) 98 29 23 11
   BP74, 29682 ROSCOFF CEDEX FRANCE           fax: (33) 98 29 23 24
   W3 page: http://www.sb-roscoff.fr          e-mail: zal at sb-roscoff.fr


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