A Web-Worm burrow of the annelid kind is open for exploration at:
I've been playing around with this set of worm web pages on and off
for quite some time (mostly off as you might have noticed - so much
to do, so little time)! It's not leading-edge in web design but the
important aspect of this project is making information freely
and readily available, and I think it's certainly polished enough
now to be worthy of your evaluation. So please have a cruise through
it if you can, give me some feedback as to what else could/should be
there, and send in any useful material you may have (any further
translations available, any graphics?). Don't hesitate to point out
errors of fact, any minor glitches in layout, or any other
difficulties you have in navigating (there shouldn't be such things,
but they do creep in as multiple changes are made). The pages are
intended to be helpful for others on the periphery of the subject,
as well as to the 'hard-core' worm specialists such as ourselves.
Many thanks to those who have generously allowed material to be put
online. Amongst which the highlights for me are the complete texts of
the 1995 polychaete-conference abstracts courtesy of Pei-Yuan Qian, a
nicely-arranged glossary of polychaete terminology authored by Chris
Glasby, and Lobo Orensanz has contributed a version of his ongoing
checklist of Pacific NorthWest polychaetes. I've done a very
condensed guide to polychaete families which has potential to be
expanded in various ways, and if any expert on a particular family
feels inspired to become the author of more detailed backgrounders
(or has something suitable at their disposal) I'd be eager to link
such material in to the system.
The version of the PRO address file of polychaete researchers is an
interim edition until I can get time to add new entries (any more
out there?). When that is edited I'll probably send a copy to Annelida
mailing list.
My Actrix-hosted web page still exists, but it is not worth looking
at until I remodel it (very soon).
Regards to you all,
Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>
|\ | | \ /\ / /\ Nat. Inst. Water & Atmos. Res., Wellington NZ
| \| | \/ \/ /--\ Taihoro Nukurangi
Annelida resources => http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/~worms/annelid.html