Polychaete larval systematics

Marine Biology Laboratory mblcsdla at netcom.com
Fri May 17 14:39:07 EST 1996

On Fri, 17 May 1996, Sean Handley wrote:

> Dear Annelidians
> I am looking for reference material for the identification of
> polychaete larvae from plankton samples, with particular interest in
> Spionids and Polynoids.  I'd greatly appreciate any help you could
> provide.
Hello Sean:

I don't have a lot of taxonomic references on larval forms.  
illustrations and descriptions that exist are scattered in the 
literature.  I don't know of anyone locally (my location) that 
specializes in such identifications. I know this is really what you want but 
here are several references in 
the literature that might be of help getting you into library research:

Blake, J. A. 1991. Larval development of polychaeta from the northern 
california coast v. Ramex californiensis Hartman (Polychaeta 
Terebellidae) Bull Mar Sci (48):448-460.

Blake, J. A. 1969.  Reproduction and larval development of Polydora from 
the northern New England (Polychaeta:Spionidae). Ophelia (7)1-63.

Hannerz, L. 1956. Larval development of the polychaete families Spionidae 
Sars, Disomidae Mesnil, and Poecilochaetidae N. Fam. in the Gullmar Fjord 
(Sweden). Zoologiska bidrag Fran uppsala, Band 31. 204pp.

Bye for now,

Tom Parker
mblcsdla at netcom.com

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